A visionary opposites book for babies/young children in the modern age. (w /Dirt Studio)


Opposites Book for Young Children

Concept Branding
for DefJam

Opposites Book for Young Children


March 2023


Book Design, Illustration, Typography

A book for babies that will grow into iPad kids…

Learn opposite concepts such as near/far, hot/cold, night/day, etc. with creative illustrations and interactive elements.

Showcases minimalistic, yet detailed, simple-to-understand illustrations.

I played with exaggerated proportions and shapes to emphasize the contrasting concepts. This allowed me to create playful illustrations that would be humorous and engaging. The colors are intentionally saturated and warm.

A book for babies that will grow into iPad kids…

Learn opposite concepts such as near/far, hot/cold, night/day, etc. with creative illustrations and interactive elements.

Showcases minimalistic, yet detailed, simple-to-understand illustrations.

I played with exaggerated proportions and shapes to emphasize the contrasting concepts. This allowed me to create playful illustrations that would be humorous and engaging. The colors are intentionally saturated and warm.

12:44 AM

Made with love by Manan Dua

12:44 AM

Made with love by Manan Dua